Strange Fruit
Residency outcomes
TAKT Artist Residency
Berlin, Germany
June - September 2010
Residency outcomes
TAKT Artist Residency
Berlin, Germany
June - September 2010
Treptower Park, Treptow, Berlin Germany
September 2010
With the help of Lorna Pettifer and Anna Steele we journeyed to Treptower park at night and buried all of the work that I had produced in Berlin on my residency at TAKT
Photographs: Anna Steele.
Treptower Park, Treptow, Berlin Germany
September 2010
With the help of Lorna Pettifer and Anna Steele we journeyed to Treptower park at night and buried all of the work that I had produced in Berlin on my residency at TAKT
Photographs: Anna Steele.