Knot Not
BUS Project Space, Melbourne
November 2017
Knot Not
a net. to catch, draw, to draw out. to catch a moment, accumulate, record. ideas not answers, knot, not, to knot. the mirror catches the light and projects a circle onto the opposite wall. the circle tracks a path through the space of the room over the day. this side, or that side. knot not. it’s not a not, it is not no, it is also not yes. the exception proves the rule. in a netted structure the absence has a volume. a kind of invisible information. capture, not caught. the net is purpose built with its prey in mind. if the mirror is a net then it captures all that come into its line of sight. charmed and enchanted. or restrained. to make a net one measures out the rope, cuts it to size, arranges the pieces and ties the lengths together at appropriate intervals. affirming both the positive and the negative. safety and peril. grid, trap, restraint. to have and to hold. cuts both ways. vision is cloaked, the blind nets the light. draw up and draw in. puzzle and impasse. inverse, double trouble. eclipse. seeing, not seeing.
This exhibition investigates the motif of the net and associated metaphors, forms and materials. The material components have been generated from a text piece that, using the net as a point of origin, meshes together interrelated ideas. The exhibition looks at methods of collage and assemblage as forms that can potentially illuminate slippages in meaning and facilitate unexpected associations in material, language and form in order to evoke and materialise something unseen, known and felt but not directly visible.
Words - Rebecca Delange
Image Credit: Lauren Dunn